Last week I attended the exclusive relaunch of the
Beauty Matters salon in Garforth, Leeds, and as soon as I stepped into the glorious room full of fresh, white interior, crystal lighting and neatly set work spaces, I instantly felt privileged to have been invited. Unfamiliar of the founding of Beauty Matters and what it had to offer, I was intrigued to get to know and soon learned it was an independent, unique brand which focuses on offering a range of non-surgical treatments and products, not just the everyday aspects you come across at an ordinary salon (although those are also available and by the looks of it, completely pampering!).
After I'd finished eyeing up the extremely appetising canapés, champagne and chocolate desserts we were greeted with, I was ushered to take a look at said treatments on show upstairs and for my entertainment, this is where I spent most of the night.
The beautiful detail continued throughout with the staple chandelier brightening up the staircase that lead to the many rooms. What made this event stand out from previous opening nights is the way there was an open door to view everything which was tested, along with the helpful, enthusiastic and incredibly friendly staff providing information, so you could receive an insight and learn for yourself as you worked your way around. The first private and peaceful room I had a peek in was the Colonic Hydrotherapy room, something which at first didn't sound like a pleasant experience (and something I don't think I'd personally choose), but something which when contemplating the healthy, rehydrating and detoxing benefits for both digestion problems and bad toxins, became more convincing.
Just across the landing opposite the Colonic Hydrotherapy Room was a popular, and much busier room featuring a first hand demonstration of 3D-lipo. I was desperate to have a nosy, and that's not just because I have many wobbly bits I'd love to lose! To say there was a group of captivated girls gathered round the bedside, the therapist and the lady having the procedure were surprisingly relaxed, professional, instructive and even partial to a giggle or two. We were advised how this advanced, innovative technology actually works and how just eight sessions can treat cellulite, contribute towards skin tightening and remove fat in a non-aggressive way. I was slightly fascinated by how simple it all appeared to be, the machine is held suctioned on the desired areas and is followed by electro and cyro therapy which kills 20-40% of the fat cells in a natural way as they dissolve over the course of several months, backed up with a couple more high target treatment services. The lady everyone had their eyes on assured us there was no pain felt, only a slight tingly, cold feeling. In fact, laying down straight for one hour was probably the most uncomfortable part, and even then you are put at ease. Unsurprisingly, the lipo has had many positive reviews and has taken the celebrity world by storm. It can't be a hard life when you step into a salon and come out glowing, feeling like a brand new (less loose) woman. I'd love to try it out one day!
Next up, we visited the room next door where there was an even bigger queue. Inside there was an inviting, almost extraterrestrial machine ready for us to stick our sweaty faces in (
seriously, it was very warm in there) and have some special photos taken which unveiled every little feature in our skin (eeek, a pretty terrifying thought!). As we waited for the exciting skin analysis awaiting us, we were briefed on the promoted Environ skincare brand which linked in to the importance of looking after your skin.
Environ is a highly effective vitamin-rich skin care brand from South Africa which claims to make the best skin care in the world, through a philosophy of well researched, scientific skin care. There are a number of methods and rhythmic products that when formed together as a package would most likely become a staple skincare routine. The clinically-tested formulations are packed with powerful antioxidants and active vitamins to help improve the appearance of lines, dehydration, sun-damage, problem skin, uneven skin tone and dryness. Environ products are now available to purchase in the salon and it will now be used in a number of Beauty Matters professional treatments, such as facials.
When it got closer to being my turn to be assessed, I felt myself becoming more apprehensive. As I've developed a dedicated skincare regime over the years, I've become compulsive around keeping my skin clean but it's not always been steady, I don't always choose the right products and to tell you the truth, I was quite scared I was going to get told off for being too lazy, or too heavy on my skin (no, really). It could have gone either way, and luckily it wasn't that bad. Beforehand, I was asked about the problematic issues I have with my skin; I listed extreme oiliness and being prone to breakouts and the analysis confirmed this. It showed bacteria around my t-zone, slightly clogged pores and to my shock, a high amount of sun damage. The lovely lady who held this intriguing lesson (I'm sorry I didn't catch your name) reassured me this is not just an instant thing, it's the daily sun damage over the past 21 years and not just something that's happened recently, but still I'll now be more careful when choosing an SPF, making sure I'm always protected. She also sat with me and kindly answered all of my concerns, gave me fruitful advice on the do's and don't and the skincare products that would benefit my skin type. That then lead to a group conversation about the cosmetic type products I often pile on my skin without second thought and how sometimes they're packed with chemicals and are not so pleasant when your skin could do with a breather. In particular, my trusty Estée Lauder Double Wear which may or may not be the reason I can't seem to shift my spots! As much as I love everything about the foundation, I'll definitely be checking out the recommendations I quickly noted on my phone from this small consultation. Thank you to the staff who took the time out to provide me with some suggestions!
After an hour or so of investigating, I felt it was time to take a break so I headed back downstairs to hear the speeches of the founder of Beauty Matters, Mel, and a lady on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Trust, the charity the evening raffle funds' will go to; another compassionate gesture from Beauty Matters that made the whole experience worthy. Both speeches were short but sweet and really heartfelt. I could feel the passion and commitment to providing a business that reflects an individual's inner glow. Beauty Matters holds any concerns at heart and always puts the key to beauty first. Mel's continued success from Beauty Matters is something she should be entirely proud of. The crowds were building, the atmosphere was busy, and the energy was bouncing off the walls. Seats were vacant with all kinds of characters, classic manicures were occurring and it was time for me to continue my tour of the upstairs!
I can honestly say I never thought as I caught the train to Garforth that day that I would be stood watching every movement of semi-permanent makeup taking place for around an hour and a half but I did, and I enjoyed the revelation entirely! From the stencilling of the eyebrows, to the actual procedure of using pigment, needles and precise techniques; I saw everything and now I'm seriously considering saving up to have my eyebrows reinforced.
Miriam Grice was the lady leader on this chatty, laid back, yet explanatory expedition and her amazing work has tempted me to take the plunge into semi-permanent makeup. The end results were exactly how I'd imagined the ideal brow would look; a perfectly arched sculpture with natural hair strokes and a colour shade that matched your skin tone appropriately. The lady having them done was really overwhelmed with joy when she saw the difference and if was such a lovely moment to witness. How a couple of hours of skilled work can change someone's self confidence is incredible and identifies the point of why we step into the world of these continually developing beauty treatments. Plus, not only does it enhance features but it would also save a lot of time!
Before I headed home, I managed to squeeze in a rounded up journey into the rest of the rooms to see where they carried out their standard procedures such as nail designing, tanning, waxing and so on. All rooms were equally as luxurious but one room that stood out for me was the couples room, a calming, hypnotising room filled with soothing music and vibrant lights ensuring a pampering experience and most likely, a snoring pair by the end of it.
The Beauty Matters salon is one of those new discoveries I wish I'd have known about way back when I was a clueless teen. It has such a beautiful, chilled vibe, spa like feel to it and everyone involved are happy to assist your needs. Speaking to the attendees felt like I'd known everyone for more than just one evening and I was so well looked after by both the staff and the PR team. I had such a brilliant time, it was extremely interesting and I learnt many beauty related educational tips that I never knew before. The turn out was fantastic and it was so well deserved. To top off a wonderful night, I was also kindly gifted with a goodie bag packed with some Environ products to try out for myself, a summary of all the treatments available and even a £10 voucher to go towards any treatment over £40 at the salon. I definitely think I'll be treating myself to some me time in the upcoming months!
Thank you to the organisers and to
Faith PR for inviting me along. You all did a great job of creating a well formed environment that spells out nothing but delight!
Bridie x
P.S. I may have pinched a couple of 'before the madness' pictures from the team at Beauty Matters purely because the bliss was hard to capture once the people packed in and began blocking any natural picture worthy moments!