Two years ago today I published my first ever 'proper' blog post. When I say proper, I mean I was completely clueless on how to start this journey that I felt was right for me to delve into and ended up rambling on about a bag I bought from the five pound store. Not the best initial launch I must admit, in all honestly I had no idea what I was doing but everyone has to start somewhere, right? (and you certainly learn the ins and outs as you go along).
When I look back, I think about where I wanted to be, my aims, my purpose, why I chose this path and actually, I didn't have an outright answer. All I knew was I've loved fashion from a young age and I've enjoyed being the typical girl as I grow; makeup, clothes, nails, all what comes along with the stereotype. I guess I intended on spreading that love over to a little page of the internet that can reflect me as a person. It does continue to express those thoughts and past-times but I've come to realise blogging includes a whole load more deeper attributes and indeed does require a great deal of effort and hard work. It's a world of fun, stress, excitement, honour, and now in current society, a strong hold of power.
Something that originally started as a hobby has now become a part of my everyday life and activities and is something I feel so truly passionate about. I enjoy every aspect of blogging; the photo taking, the writing, the events, the new faces, the inspiring, the kindness (forgetting the unnecessary rudeness), the constant developing, the goal reaching, the bonding, and most of all the connection with the blogging community; full of warmth, friendliness and thoughtfulness. Other bloggers were the sole reason I decided to give it a try and to this day, you all spur me on to thrive and keep pursuing and as cringey as it sounds, are the base of why I carry on exploring and trying to evolve for the better in this competitive yet extremely supportive blogosphere (even the fashion and beauty influencers who cause irreversible damage to my bank account on a daily basis).
I'm not going to lie and say I haven't found it difficult, I have. In particular, in the area of building up a loyal reading. One thing I have learnt is that numbers aren't everything, but sometimes, as you see a noticeable decrease instead of a continuous increase amount of followers it can be disheartening. There's often days where I easily lose motivation, start comparing my place to the higher individuals, and feel like throwing in the towel but that inner blogging spark of mine pipes up almost instantly because it's what I enjoy doing. It literally only has to be a mention of a new lipstick or a subject I need to vent about, and I'm back in the swing because it's what us bloggers do best. There's only certain aspects of life that can only be defined if you are a blogger and that's why I'm proud to now feel like I belong somewhere, like I fit in with this ball of often unexplainable craziness.
Despite the minor downfalls, it's mostly been all uphill. I never thought two years ago, when I was completely baffled how to even attach a photo to this strange, unfamiliar and overwhelming environment, that I'd be where I am now. My blog has opened up doors I couldn't ever have imagined existed. I've been given opportunities I could have only dreamed of, I've been introduced to the most loveliest group of girls, it's given me something to focus on and most importantly it's shown me and made me feel like I'm actually good at something other than procrastinating (well, there's also been plenty of that over the two years!).
It's still insane receiving any kind of communication and praise. I wasn't expecting anyone to be remotely interested in what I had to say and display but you brilliant lot proved me wrong. I hope you know I'm always so grateful for each and every one of you who take the time out to comment with such pleasantness; whether that be once or repetitively. I don't always reply and I feel I should get better at doing so (I'm seriously considering changing my comment system to Disqus so I can directly respond) but I do read and take in all the positivity and it never fails to make me smile and give me that boost I often need. I'm always a little startled when I log on to find out humans from all areas of the world are viewing my blog and I do hope, somehow, discovering my unfinished masterpiece has made even the smallest impact.
To quote the Backstreet Boys; no matter who you are, where you're from, what you do, the blog world accepts everyone for who they are and I love the fact a huge variety of characters with different traits and personalities are brought together to share the same love. I never used to exclaim the knowledge that I blogged but now I don't see why not. It's not something to be ashamed of, hell it's something to scream from the rooftops. Having your own platform where your can escape and express your ramblings without fear of judgement is pretty amazing. Blogging has certainly been my longest standing hobby and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I'm way too invested now. It's the one topic I haven't got bored of and hopefully never will which means I'm afraid I'm going to be around for a long time and you're stuck with me. The uttermost rewarding feeling is seeing the progress you make and the people who appreciate it and I cannot wait to see what the next chapter brings. Thank you for your readership, your friendship, encouragement and commitment.
And don't forget, I still have a live NARS giveaway especially for you. (A lipstick doesn't compensate to what I should be giving my readers but it's my way of saying thank you without access to face to face contact and those deserved hugs).
Lots and lots of love, Bridie x