Monday, 29 August 2016

Five A Day Advice and Recipes

Happy bank holiday Monday, guys! It's seems like forever ago since we had a 3 day weekend so to relish in a day of freedom - whether you're lazing around doing nothing or spending it being counter productive - is something to engulf. The August bank holiday, for me, pretty much marks the end of summer. September swarms in and soon enough we're swapping sunglasses and flowers for scarves and crispy, golden leaves and as much as I love the warmer weather, I can't help but pine for my favourite time of the year! Saying this, there was no better time to publish a guest post very kindly written by Alyson Yazi to feature on my blog - because if there's any opportunity to get back into a healthy routine and shed off that ice cream enforced timber, it's a change of season. Enjoy!


Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Pastille Beauty's 3rd Birthday Celebrations

Up until last week I hadn't attended a blog event in a good couple of months so to become reacquainted with an invite to 3rd birthday celebrations at a popular Leeds' salon surrounded by lashings of prettiness, I've never felt so honoured. I've always heard so much great feedback from Pastille Beauty Bar, a place of pleasure and pampering located in the award winning Granary Wharf development (or as I call it, the posher part of Leeds) yet - to my shock horror - I'd never stepped foot in there for any treatments.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Personal: Things That Made Me Happy In July

Where as August seems to be bolting by without warning, July feels like it was a lifetime ago. The last couple of months have been a real turnaround in my general happiness, in fact I've never been so happy. I've discovered this unrevealed fragment of my life that I never knew I needed until now and stumbled upon a part of me that just fits with the rest. It's been an overwhelming time in my usually average life which means in return I get to spread my positive vibes across my blog in usual pattern of my pensive monthly moments and I think this is the most excited I've ever been about getting my thoughts down in writing!

Sunday, 14 August 2016

25 Struggles Only People With Long Hair Will Understand

It seems these humorous kind of posts have fast become a favourite of mine to write. Whether it's because I like to pretend I'm funny and have the ability to treat everyday problems with contempt or just because I enjoy switching my serious talk up once in a while. I realise it's probably been done a million times before but I like to put my own twist on things. Albeit I'm not quite buzzfeed or cosmopolitan but I do approach unarmed of insults (or at least I try).

For as long as I can remember, my hair has been uncontrollably long. The first year of my life was spent sporting the bald look but from the age of 3 my locks reached down my back and have failed to formulate a stop sign ever since. I've had many hair styles, cuts and colours over the years but my hair always seems to catch up with me in a way I just can't ignore. It must be something in the genes, but that's probably just my tangled hair...


Monday, 8 August 2016

My Instagram Holiday Photo Diary

Oh, Instagram. Before your algorithm, your spam bots, your impossibility of keeping hold of the followers you gained and your inability to create original ideas on how to display trivial life activity for 24 hours only, you were my best friend. Well, you still are; along with my frustration, lack of enthusiasm and distinct swap around in favouritism, you remain my number one spot to share my photos. 


Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Wednesday Wishlist: August Festival Fashion Season

August is already living up to its expectations; drizzle, dullness, the buzz of summer wearing off as we frantically browse the autumn tag on pinterest but one thing that doesn't fade quickly is the festival hype. Festivals occur from June right up until September and it's probably my favourite time of year - not because I actually attend (huge enclosed drunken crowds, bad hygiene, sleeping rough, not for me I'm afraid) but because I like to admire from afar (or should I say my cosy front room). There's nothing better than putting your feet up with a cuppa exploring the diversity of style from festivals all over the world, whilst the background music of perspired Chris Martin singing flows gracefully in your ear. 


Monday, 1 August 2016

The Tales Of A Baby Face

Making the transition into responsible adulthood is hard, holding on to your childhood nostalgia makes it easier, but being an expectant grown up with the face of an innocent baby filled with honey sweet expressions is probably the worst combination. I've just gone twenty three yet I struggle to be seen as anything past fifteen, not only from people around me but from myself when I look at the reflection in the mirror and think "how, just how can I pass through my life stages with no significant change?".
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