Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Thoughts Over Coffee

Okay, I lied. I can't drink coffee because the caffeine sends me wild but the concept remains the same if you swap one hot beverage for another chocolatey treat. It's probably no secret that I've been totally distant from the blogging scene for the majority of this September month and it seems ironic talking about the lack of inspiration for writing, through my writing but as I met up with some local bloggers at the #LeedsCoffeeAndCakeMeet (organised by the lovely Claire) on Sunday afternoon, the conversations we had spurred me on to give myself a kick up the bum and a huge push forward to just go with the flow. Get my thoughts out there. Tell the world about my current incompetent schedule and feelings towards being a nobody. 


Thursday, 15 September 2016

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Personal: What Made Me Happy In August

If I'm honest, I'm quite surprised I've kept my monthly happiness posts on a regular run from the start of the year up until now. September already, you say? I'm just as startled as you are - the mention of the c word and the darker nights drawing in kind of contradicts the humid weather and the sense that summer evaporated without me even realising. There isn't much of a difference in this month's merriment, you could call it a sort of a continuation of July's events. Probably nothing at all that's worth boasting about, nor anything that anyone remotely cares but a little positivity is always pleasant to read, right? I enjoy getting my thoughts written out and focusing on my untroubled points, even if it does mean I'm talking to myself.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

NYX Cosmetics: A Shameless Splurge

Ever since NYX Cosmetics arrived in the UK I've been sucked into the hype; no longer do I have to yearn from a northern distance or consider jumping on a plane to America, I can just head down to my local Boots' and there's an entire stand dedicated to my habit of breaking the bank with nothing but beauty. I'd heard a lot about NYX but was dying to try them out for myself - with the wide range available, all at an affordable price with prime quality I got stuck in well and truly and the entirety of ,my makeup stash has been filled with nothing but. I'm not even gonna apologise.


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Wednesday Wishlist: Feeling The Notebook Love

Nope, not the film. Although I could cry just as much trawling through pages of dreamy stationery but end on a happy note (no pun intended) instead of bearing my soul towards nature taking its cause. If there's ever an acceptable time for me to bring my notebook addiction out of habitation, it's the start of a new term where I can pass it off as a back to school starter pack although I'm 23 years of age and just hold a strong passion for collecting pretty journals for the sake of it. I would say I use them for a wise purpose of jotting my ideas, random thoughts and insightful content down on paper but most of the time they're placed up on a shelf or next to makeup products as a final piece for the perfect insta photo because they're just so decorative. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

20 Things You Shouldn't Say To A Chronic Pain Sufferer

When you live with chronic pain, you don't just live with the persistent anguish; you live with the unknown, the looming judgement, the inevitable choice of enjoying yourself to the extreme and suffering vs staying put with no social life to ease the suffering just a smidgen, the false hope of moving forward when you have a good day only to be shattered with an intense bad day the next, the limitations, the loss of control, the disappointment in yourself, and the idea that you constantly have to prove a point, that this invisible torment shredding you of any normality does exist even though it can't be seen hidden behind a giggle and a "yeah I'm good, how are you?". Dealing with an incurable condition that isn't understood from a distance can be isolating and it's tough, very tough. I know from my personal experience I find it hard to trust anyone away from my tight knit, inner circle; like if I express myself too much the guessing will begin - the wrong kind, the presuming kind, the kind that sees straight through the exhaustion, the sickness, the misery and distress and focuses on the outer shell. 

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