Wednesday 26 August 2015

Wednesday wishlist: lusting over River Island


Yesterday I made the mistake of having a 'quick browse' in my local River Island, only to discover that my heart eyes were out in full force. I haven't been in for a while so it was a pleasant surprise to see so many beautiful autumn pieces all ready for me to swoon over. I don't know about anyone else but I can't go round a shop without making note of what I've seen. If I've spotted something I will more than likely (going against the little voice telling me to save money) be buying at a later date, then I snap a quick picture to search for the item online thus allowing me to create a wishlist just like this one...

There seems to be a reoccurring pattern in the themes once Autumn/Winter strikes. I get so excited for a season change and am prepared to over purchase allll the coats and boots. The 70s trend still seems to be carrying through to next season and I'm loving it. Stripes, rust colours, bell sleeves, suede, woven tapestry prints and of course my trusty polo necks. Give me everything!

Have you been loving a particular shop lately?

Bridie x


  1. I quite like number 8 although I must admit that I've never shopped at River Island before.


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